Press + Presentations
@LegalTechTalk (London), 2025-06-26, Michele will be a speaker.
@Taye Uhuru Speaks, 2025-03-23, Michele was featured in a Podcast: Michele DeStefano on transforming leadership style and enhancing collaboration.
@Womens's White Collar Defense Association, 2025-03-03, Michele provided a keynote on leading and managing change efforts.
@The American Lawyer, 2024-01-10, Michele was quoted in an article, KPMG Wants to Provide Legal Services in the US. Now All Eyes Are on Their Big Four Peers.
-, 2024-11-11, Michele was featured in an article, Can Lawyers Be Too Client-Centric, by Andrew McKenzie.
@Lisbon, Law and Tech 2024, Michele was on a panel about Legal Tech and Digital Transformation of In-House Teams.
@The University of Miami, 2024-11-04, Miami Law hosts event to discuss Professor Michele DeStefano’s latest book.
@The Digital Legal Exchange, 2024-10-29, Michele was interviewed about her recent book Leader Upheaval, by Bill Deckleman.
@The Law Institute of Victoria, 2024-10, Michele will lead interactive sessions on enhancing leadership style and client centricity.
@Meritas Regional Meeting, 2024-10, Michele will lead an interactive session about leadership, client-centricity, culture-creation, and collaboration.
@New Chambers, 2024-10, Michele will lead an interactive keynote on transforming leadership style and client relationships with shifted mindsets.
@LLM Guide, 2024-08-24, Michele was quoted in an article: Law School Integrate AI into Curricula.
@MiamiLaw, 2024-08-19, Michele was featured in an article about being selected for a WIPL award for law firm thought leadership.
@Corporate Counsel Law.Com, 2024-07-29, Michele was selected as a winner in the 2024 Women, Influence & Power in Law Awards in the Law Firm Thought Leadership category.
@Prodonovich Advisory, 2024-07-02, Michele and her book Leader Upheaval were featured.
@Book Architecture, 2024-06-24, Michele was featured the Clients Crushin' It newsletter.
@JD Journal, 2024-06-05, Michele was featured in an article: Big Law Firms Integrate Generative AI Training for Summer Associates by Maria Lenon Laus.
@Bloomberg Law, 2024-06-04, Michele was featured in an article: Law Firms Start Training Summer Associates on Using Generative AI by Justin Wise.
@IE News, 2024-05-13, Michele was featured as Guest of the Month: The keys to the importance and success of LawWithoutWalls by Michele DeStefano.
@Legal Innovation Conference, 2024-05-22, Michele will provide the closing keynote: Legal & Leader Upheaval: Enhancing Client/Business-Partner Centricity.
@LMA Summit, 2024-04-4, Michele led a workshop on Transforming Leadership Style with The Three Rules of Engagement.
@FDCC Winter Meeting, 2024-02-27, Michele gave a keynote on enhancing leadership style.
@Global Legal Leaders' Mini MBA program, Michele facilitated a 3 hour workshop on leadership, client-centricity and culture creation.
@Pinsent Masons, 2024-01-24, Michele facilitated the KickOff and project development meeting for the One Million Hours Pledge project to arrest climate change and reduce biodiversity loss.
@Fox News, 2024-01-13, Michele is quoted in an article by Meaghan Dolph, Applying For Law School: Exploring Challenges Students Might Face When Seeking A Law Degree.
@US News & World Report, 2023, 2023-12-6, Michele was quoted in an article by Ashley Merryman, How Law Firms Can Create Positive Workplace Culture.
@Young Partners Retreat Latam, 2023-11-14, Michele led a workshop on how to inspire innovation and a culture of collaboration.
@Legalpreneurs Spotlight Future 50 Video and Podcast series, Michele was interviewed by Terri Mottershead: Legal Leaders, Teams, Innovation, and Collaboration.
@InterLaw's Annual Global Meeting Hosted by BLP in Costa Rica on 2023-10-19 and 2023-10-20, Michele led workshops on leadership development, client-centricity, collaboration, and culture-creation.
@LegalITInsider, 2023-10-11, Michele and her paper, Law Firm Chief Innovation Officers: Goals, Roles, and Holes, were featured.
@PinsentMason's Brainfood, 2023-06-12, Michele was featured in a podcast and quoted in "AI and the Legal Function."
@Bloomberg Law, 2023-05-31, Michele was quoted in, Attorneys Must Certify AI Policy Compliance, Judge Orders.
@Casus Technologies 2023/03/28, Michele presented, "The Future of the Legal Market, Key Trends and How to Adapt".
-, 2023-03-15, Michele was quoted in an article: Some Academics are Concerned about Cheating; Others Say the AI Can Prepare Students for Legal Careers That are Increasingly Being Shaped by Technology.
@MiamiLaw Explainer Podcast, 2023-02-27, Michele was interviewed about her article: Chicken or Egg: Diversity and Innovation in the Corporate Legal Marketplace, 91 Fordham Law Review 1209 (2023).
​@The University of Zurich, 2023-02-15, Michele presented on The Future of Continuing Legal Education in the U.S.
​@Private Client Forum Americas, 2023-02-13, Michele provided a Keynote on collaboration and the human-centered approach to problem solving.
@The Digital Legal Exchange (DLEX), 2023-01-7, Michele co-hosted a Salon event with Giorgia Vulcano, Global Digital Ethics Manager, AB InBev, about the role of compliance and ethics in digital transformation.
@In-House Connect, 2022-12-14, Michele co-presented with Bjarne Tellmann, GC of Haleon: "Don't Let the Digital Tail Wag the Transformation Dog."
@Young Partners Retreat Latam, 2022-11-09, Michele led a workshop on how to inspire innovation and a culture of collaboration.
@IBA Conference in Miami, 2022-10-29, Michele delivered a Keynote to the IBA Law Firm Management Committee Session hosted by Greenberg Traurig.
@IBA Conference in Miami, 2022-11-01, Michele was on a panel hosted by IBA's Alternative and New Law Business Structures Committee, A chameleon in a rabbit's disguise: regulating the provision and use of artificial intelligence for the legal profession - are business structures in sight or in danger?
@​The Digital Legal Exchange Salon Event, 2022-10-25, Michele participated in a fireside chat with Bjarne Tellmann, GC of Haleon, about their article: "Don't Let the Digital Tail Wag the Transformation Dog," moderated by Isabel Parker and Mark Cohen.
@Minverva Project, 2022-10, Michele was featured as an innovation fellow who participated in creating the new Innovation, Technology, & Design major at the University of Miami, School of Engineering: Innovating from Within.
@Fordham Law School, 2022-10-21, Michele presented a draft of her Essay to be included in the In Memory of Deborah Rhode Colloquium.
@Calloquy launch event, Michele delivered a keynote about Leveraging the New Era of Litigation with Creativity, Collaboration, and Innovation.
@KPMG Global GC Law Conference, 2022-09-20, Michele delivered a Keynote, "Leading and Managing Transformation, Collaboration, and Culture Change."
@DLA Piper's Global Women's Leadership Summit, 2022-09-19, Michele delivered a keynote and facilitated a workshop, Bringing Excellence in Client Service to a New Level and Improving the Overall Health of Our Justice System with Collaboration, Creativity, and Innovation.
@MiamiLaw, 2022-09-07 Michele was on a panel about being a First-Generation Law School Student.
@Global General Counsel Forum, 2022-06-01, in Solage, Napa Valley, Michele presented on the changing demands and roles of General Counsels.
@University of Miami, 2022-07, 2019, Michele is quoted in "New Bachelors for EntrepreneurialInnovators at the College ofEngineering."
@Corporate Counsel, 2022-06-16, "Professor Michele DeStefano Outlines How to Create an Innovative Collaborative Culture."
@IE Law School, Law Ahead, 2022-05-23 "Michele DeStefano's Inspirational Ideas for Leading Innovation in the legal world."
@MiamiLaw, 2022-05-02, Michele is featured in, "Experts in Business, Tech and IP Law Selected to Join UM’s Academic Innovation Fellows."
@Gonzaga's 2022 Clarke Family Prize in Legal Ethics Conference, 2022-04-21, Michele delivered a keynote, In a World of Data & Legal Analytics, What Duties do Lawyers Have.
-, 2022-03-23, Michele was quoted in "Sundar Pichai, other Google staffers accused of hiding info​."
@Wall Street Journal, 2022-03-21, Michele is quoted in "Google Improperly Invoked Legal Privilege toWithhold Emails, Government Claims​"
@IE Law School, LawAhead, 2022-03-26, Michele presented, Leading & Managing, Collaboration, Innovation and Culture Change
@Instituto CEDEFLaw, 2022-03-11, Michele was interviewed about LawWithoutWalls.
-, 2022-02-26, Michele was quoted in: Questions for Remote Attorneys Linger After Fla. Rule Overhaul - Law360.
@Zippia, The Career Expert, 2020-12-11, Michele was featured in "Experts Weigh In On Current Job Market Trends"
@Future Law Podcast, 2020-12-05, Michele was featured in Episode 24, Leader of LawWithoutWalls by Podcast Host, Michael Madison
@Bloomberg Law, 2020-11-19, Michele was quoted in an article by Roy Strom: DeChambeau’s Big Miss at Masters Is
Lesson in Successful Failure -
@Legal Festival, 2020-11-19, Michele provided a keynote and Q&A re: "Legal Leaders: Opportunities for Differentiation in a Digital World"
@Americas Women Magazine (Miami Edition), 2020-11-17, Michele was featured: "She's a Professor, Author, Speaker & Independent Consultant & Facilitator to Law Firms. Our Exclusive Interview with University of Miami Law Professor Michele DeStefano"
@IBA annual conference, 2020-11-10, Michele served as a panelist on Reinventing Global Legal Education: A Blueprint Panel
@Ark's Law Firm Innovation Summit, 2020-11-05, Michele provided a keynote: "Filling in the Gaps: Why and How Lawyers Need to Innovate"
-, 2020-10-26, Michele was interviewed by FGV Law School (Brazil) about her scholarship, Legal Upheaval and LawWithoutWalls, Interview with Michele DeStefano.
@Digital Legal Exchange Podcast, 2020-10-21 Michele hosts Gladys Chun, GC from Lazada Group.
@Answering Legal, 2020-10-22, Michele was video interviewed by Nicholas Werker, Why Lawyers Need to Be Proactive and Always Innovating
@LawIT Legal Summit, 2020-10-19, Michele was Interviewed by Reena Sengupta about "Client Centricity and Digital Transformation in Law."
-, 2020-09-28 Michele was featured in an article, "Top Innovators: Michele DeStefano Blossoms in Pandemic After 10 Years in Virtual World."
-, 2020-09-28, @daily business review, lists Michele as one of the top 3 innovators in South Florida, "DBR Awards Season: It's Delayed But Intact."
@SAL Law Tech Fest, 2020-09-28 Michele was a moderator and panelist on "Skills at Scale and the Legal Function.”
@OA Online, 2020-09-23cMichele was mentioned in an article about the Digital Legal Exchange's Sponsorship of the Financial Times Lawyer Event.
@Financial Times Digital Lawyers Event, 2020-9-24 Michele was featured along with Mark Cohen in "Meet the Digital Experts"
@Financial Times Digital Lawyers Event, 2020-9-24 Michele moderated a Panel, Client Centricity: From Services to Experiences.
@Miranda & Amado, 2020-09-18, Michele provided a virtual keynote re: the importance of driving a culture of collaboration in the legal industry.
@Digital Legal Exchange Podcast, 2020-08-06, Michele hosts Joe Otterstetter, GC at 3M.
@MiamiLaw Virtual 1L Orientation, 2020-08-05, Michele provided a keynote and facilitated two 2-hour interactive workshops to the entire incoming 1L class: Community Building & Successful online teaming.
@Power, Privilege and Transformation: Lessons from the Pandemic for Online Legal Education Virtual Symposium, 2020-08-05, hosted by @miamilaw, Michele moderated the capstone panel re: the virtual classroom.
@ACC Internal all-hands meeting, 2020-07-23, Michele was Virtual Coffee speaker about best practices and lessons learned related to virtual events.
@ACC Chief Legal Officers Virtual Roundtable, 2020-07-23, Michele led discussion and break out groups about Diversity, Inclusion and Innovation.
@Passport-to-Practice, 07-14-2020, Michele co-led a session with Jason Barnwell on Business Partnering.
@Passport-to-Practice, 07-14-2020, Michele led a session about The Art of Collaboration & Innovation in Law in a Part-Virtual World.
@LawIt, 2020-06-30, Michele delivered a live webinar: New Law, Big Law, and the Big Four: Why We Need a New Quarterback Now More Than Ever.
@Legal Tech Online Convent, 2020-06-29, Michele delivered a keynote online: What’s Next for the Inhouse Legal Function After Corona? Accelerating Digital Transformation & Revenue Generation.
@Passport-to-Practice, 06-25-2020, Michele was a panelist in the Future of Legal Services Panel
@Above the Law & Axiom Webinar, 2020-06-24, Michele was a panelist on the Future of Law.
@LinkLei, Brazil's first legal social network, on 2020-06-24 Michele delivered a keynote online: Law & Opportunities.
@OA Online, and @Fox21, 2020-06-16, Michele and her role in the Digital Legal Exchange were highlighted: Digital Legal Exchange Builds Momentum Following First Quarter Launch.
@Chancery Lane Chats, 2020-05-20, Michele is featured in a Podcast: Why Communications and Law are Becoming Yin and Yang Professions.
@Compliance Elliance Journal, 2020-05-20, Michele's book: New Suits: Appetite for Disruption in the Legal World, is reviewed by Christina-Maria Leeb.
@Daily Business Review, 2020-05-06, Michele is named as one of three honorees for Florida's Most Innovative Lawyer of the Year, DBR announces 2020 Professional Excellence Award Honorees.
@MiamiLaw Reporter, 2020-05-30, Michele was featured: Professor Known for Innovation in Research and Teaching Leads Transition to Online Learning During Pandemic.
@FringeLegal, 2020-04-09, Michele was featured in a podcast: Legal Upheaval with Michele DeStefano.
@Legal IT Insider, 2020-04-08 Michele was featured in a webinar: Post-COVID-19 Legal Landscape, What Should legal Organisations be Thinking About in Terms of Technological Innovation?
@Miami Law Explainer, 2020-04-06, Michele is interviewed in a podcast by Catherine Skipp, Teaching in the Time of COVID-19.
@Legal Talk Network Podcast Michele was in a podcast with Bill Garcia, Ari Kaplan, and host Ralph Baxter, 2020-02-12, Change Management: How to Get Lawyers and Staff to Buy-In to Change.
-, 2020-02-12, Michele's panel at Legal Week was reviewed by Ralph Baxter, Legal Week 2020 in New York was Outstanding.
@Law360, 2020-02-06, by Michele Gorman, Michele is quoted about change management in Change Of Heart: How Attorneys Can Get Buy-In For Big Ideas.
@Legal Week NYC Conference, 2020-02-05, Michele was a panel speaker on Change Management: How to Get Lawyers and Staff to Buy Into Change.
-, 2020-01-31, Q&A with Michele, How the 'Innovation Tournament in Law' Is Changing the Industry.
@PRNNewswire, 2020-01-30, Michele is quoted in article, Web Use at Odds with Compliance, Security in Financial Firms.
@Financial Times, 2018-12-13, LawWithoutWalls ranked 2nd and named a “standout” for innovation in collaboration at this year’s Financial Times North America Innovative Lawyer Awards. (Michele, the founder of LWOW received a commendation.)
@The Forum for Florida General Counsel, 2018-12-07, Michele presented on changing demands of lawyers and best practices for collaboration and innovation.
@Financial Times, 2018-12-1, Michele is recognized by the Financial Times Innovative Lawyers (North America) as one of the top 20 most innovative lawyers.
@Miami Dade Judicial Reception & Holiday Celebration, hosted by the Law Alumni Association, at Carlton Fields, 2018-11-29, Michele did a book Reading and interview with Mark F. Raymond.
@altblog, 2018-12-11, Colin Levy reviews "Legal Tech Book: the legal industry's guide through the ever-changing global market" which features a chapter on LawWithoutWalls co-authored by Michele and Erika Pagano.
@LegalFutures, 2018-11-28, Dan Bindman calls Legal Upheaval an "Innovation Blueprint."
@ABA, 27 November 2018, ABA Interview with Michele and Feature of Legal Upheaval, Innovation Rx.
@Idaho Business Review, 20 November 2018, Legal Upheaval and Michele are quoted, "Two Paths for 21st-century law firms: innovation or extinction," by Nicole Black
@Study International, LawWithoutWalls is mentioned as one of the programs that makes Miami Law one of the "Leading Law Schools that Produce 'T-Shaped Graduates with Global Talent."
@Remaking Law Firms, 16 November 2018, Legal Upheaval is reviewed by George Beaton, "Why Everyone Should Read Legal Upheaval."
@LegalNews, 14 November 2018, Legal Upheaval and Michele are quoted, "Two Paths for 21st-century law firms: innovation or extinction," by Nicole Black
@Lawyers on Fire, Lawyers on Fire Chat with Michele DeStefano, Podcast by Carsten Reimann (November 2018)
@Iberian Lawyer Gold Awards, Michele served as a Judge on 09 November 2018.
@LegalIT Insider, 01 November 2018, Transcript from podcast with Kaplan, Ari. Legal Upheaval: A conversation with law professor and author Michele DeStefano
@Ari Kaplan Podcast, 01 November 2018, Legal Upheaval: A conversation with law professor and author Michele DeStefano.
@Legal Futures, 05 October 2018, Michele and her book, Legal Upheaval, are featured "Lawyers Need to See Benefits of Innovation Says Guru," by Dan Bindman
@University of Miami, 2018-10-18, Michele presented LawWithoutWalls at the Faculty Showcase.
@Financial Times, 04 October 2018, Michele is quoted by Reena SenGupta, "Law Firms Confront a Question of Identity"
@LegalSpeak Podcast, 28 September 2018, Michele is interviewed by Karen Sloan,, "Beyond the Buzzwords: Getting Real About Law Firm Innovation"
@The Attic, 26 September 2018, Michele is interviewed by Kayleigh Ziolo, "Legal Upheaval: In Conversation with 'Legal Rebel,'" Michele DeStefano"
@Above the Law, 25 September 2018, Michele is quoted in "You Want Innovation in Legal? Legal Ops Needs To Drive the Conversation," by Mike Quartararo
@Above the Law, 20 September 2018, Michele's book, Legal Upheaval, is reviewed "Innovation in Legal Services: A Pipe Dream or a Necessity," by Nicole Black
@Legal Innovation Aggregator, Michele is featured as a Thought Leader
@MiamiLaw website, September 2018, Michele's book, Legal Upheaval, is featured.
@HLS Celebration '65 15 September, 2018, Michele is featured in a panel on Law Teaching
@Forbes Michele's Lawyer Skills Delta is highlighted by Mark A. Cohen: GCs How Will Legal Education and Training Keep Pace with Change?
GCs How Will Legal Education and Training Keep Pace with Change@Forbes Michele's Lawyer Skills Delta is highlighted by Mark A. Cohen: Forbes: 10 September 2018
@Corporate Counsel powered by 23 August 2018, Michele's book, Legal Upheaval, is reviewed "GC's Who Want Outside Counsel 'Innovation,' Need to Define it, Author Says" by Sue Reisinger
@Bloomberg Law, 22 August 2018, Michele's book, Legal Upheaval, is mentioned by Rick Mitchell
-, 20 August 2018, Michele's book, Legal Upheaval, is featured, "Lawyers Need to Disrupt Themselves to Succeed," by Michelle Gorman
-, 13 August 2018, Michele's book, Legal Upheaval, is reviewed, "Ahead of the Curve: A 'Legal Upheaval' for Law Schools?," by Karen Sloan
@TaxProf Blog, 7 August 2018, Michele's book, Legal Upheaval, is featured by Paul Caron.
In The American Bar Association News, 30 July 2018, Michele’s book, Legal Upheaval, is featured.
@HLS Celebration '65 15 September, 2018, Michele is featured in a panel on Law Teaching (upcoming)
- 18 July 2018, Michele is featured in a podcast (upcoming)
@Legal Practice Intelligence: 04 July 2018, Michele judges winners of the 2018 Legal Innovation Index
@The Hedge Fund Law Report: 14 June 2018, Michele is quoted about the role of the Chief Compliance Officer and the structure of the compliance function in "What Fund Managers Should Consider When Hiring and Onboarding CCOs; Determining CCO Governance Structures; and Evaluating Risks of CCO Turnover (Part Two of Three)" by Shaw Horton
@Legal IT Insider: 22 May 2018 Review of Michele's Talk @JDHorizons: Leadership, change, marmalade martini, reinvention, Jam, and hats off for a 50%-plus female line-up.
@JD Horizons, hosted by Janders Dean: “Leading in Law–Habits of Highly Effective Law Firm Leadership & Entrepreneurialism,” (May, 2018 London UK)
@Florida Record, 6 May 2018, Michele is quoted on Litigation Funding in article "Attorneys Don't Favor Regulating Third Party Lawsuit Lenders," by John Sammon
@Dartmouth College, named lecture hosted by the Dartmouth Lawyers Association and Rockefeller Center on Public Policy at Dartmouth College “LawWithoutWalls: Enhancing Access to Justice and Lawyers’ Skills with Innovation" (May, 2018 Hanover, NH USA
@The Ed Andrew Podcast click here to listen​​
​, 2021-12-18, Michele was quoted in: Future of Florida Legal Lab Proposal in Jeopardy.
-, 2021-12-15, Michele was quoted in: BigLaw's Big Guns of Revenue Keep Growing.
-, 2021-12-15, Michele was featured in a podcast hosted by Dan Toombs of Fast Firms: click here.
-, 2021-12-14, Michele was quoted in: Can You Change How Lawyers Think and Work? Inside LawWithoutWalls' International Initiative.
@PWC's Legal Lounge, 2021-11-23, Michele provided a keynote: Transforming Relationships with Creativity, Collaboration, and Innovation.
@News @the U, 2021-11-11, Michele and the work that the Academic Innovation Fellows are doing to revolutionize the undergraduate experience was featured, University launches effort to ‘revolutionize the undergraduate experience.
@Legal Innovation & Tech Fest, 2021-11-1, Michele participated in a Fireside Chat with Bjarne Tellman, Senior Vice President and General Counsel of GSK Consumer Healthcare: Digital Transformation & Corporate Legal Departments: Creating New Forms of Value
@Reuters Events: Legal Leaders, 2021-10-19, Michele moderated a Fireside Chat Bjarne Tellman, Senior Vice President and General Counsel of GSK Consumer Healthcare: Digitally Transforming Legal.
-, 2021-10-05, the panel Michele participated in below was featured, The Message vs. The Truth.
@Law Firm Marketing Summit, 2021-10-05, Michele was a panelist on Brand authenticity: The Message vs The Truth.
@Levick Podcast, 2021-10-04, Richard Levick hosted Michele in a Podcast​ click here and here.
@K&L Gates, 2021-10-04, Michele provided a keynote, Embracing Change with a Culture of Creativity, Collaboration, and Innovation and led an interactive workshop: Innovation Ready? Leading, Driving, and Implementing Change.
@Bloomberg Law, 2021-09-09, Michele was quoted in "Tech Friendly Legal Services Get Lift on Ownership Rules."
@Bloomberg Law, 2021-07-30, Michele was quoted in "Flexible Work Could Boost Diversity for In-House Law Departments"
-, 2021-07-21, Michele was quoted in Post-Pandemic, Law Schools See Legal Tech Education Playing an Even Bigger Role.
@LegalDesignPodcast, 2021-06-20, Think Smaller with Michele DeStefano, Michele is featured in a podcast.
@WISBAR News, 2021-06-15, Virtual AMC Roundup: Learning and Perspectives in a Pandemic Year, an over view of talking points from Michele's Keynote was provided.
@The State Bar of Wisconsin's Annual Meting, 2021-06-10, Michele provided a keynote: Legal Leaders: Opportunities for Differentiation in a Digital World. View pre-conference video interview here.
@Inhouse International Counsel Journal (IICJ), 2021-06-09, Michele was mentioned and LawWithoutWalls was reviewed in LawWithoutWalls Program in the Eyes of an In-House Counsel by ALda Loureiro.
@Bloomberg Law, 2021-06-08 Michele was quoted in article, Cooley Recruits Texas Lawyers, Offering Fully Remote Jobs.
@Mondaq, 2021-06-08, Michele's Podcast with Seyfarth was described (here).
@Seyfarth's #podcast, "Pioneers and Pathfinders," 2021-06-02, Michele is featured.
@Zippia's Job Market for Recent Grads, 2021-06-01, Experts Weigh In, Michele provides her opinions on where the job market for recent law graduates is heading, as well as how they can prepare to enter the industry.
@The LLM GUIDE, 2021-05-13 Michele is quoted in article, The Pandemic is Accelerating the Digitalization of the Legal Profession, by Seb Murray.
@CLOC Global Virtual Institute, 2021-05, Michele was part of CLOC's headlining session: Leading Change: Shaping the Future of Legal Ops
@AALL (American Association of Law Libraries) Innovation Bootcamp, 2021-05-07, Michele provided an interactive keynote, Understanding the Legal Mind: Leveraging Change with a Culture of Creativity, Collaboration, and Innovation
@LexMundi Business Development & Marketing Conference, 2021-04-13 Michele provided the keynote: Transforming Client Relationships with Innovation
@Digital Legal Exchange Podcast, 2021-02-22, Michele hosts Shahar Markovitch, current General Manager, National Intelligence , former Chief Digital & Information Officer, El AL Israel Airlines
@Litera TV, Reinventing Legal with Ari Kaplan, 2021-04-06, Michele was interviewed by Ari Kaplan
@Digital Legal Exchange Podcast, 2021-02-22, Michele hosts Bjarne Tellemann, GC of GSK.
@University of Miami School of Law, 2021-02-10, Michele and LawWithoutWalls were mentioned in "Law School Education Helps Alumna Launch DC Regulatory and Compliance Career."
@Legal Innovators Align, 2019-11-12 (Johannesburg, Gauteng South Africa), Michele did a virtual book talk about Legal Upheaval.
@Above the Law, 2019-10-17, Michele's new book, New Suits, is mentioned in Beware The #RobotLawyer Invasion.
@Florida Bar News, 2019-10-15, Michele and LawWithoutWalls was featured, "UM’S LAW WITHOUT WALLS PURSUES INTERNATIONAL SOLUTIONS TO LEGAL, BUSINESS PROBLEMS."
@BGD Abogados, 2019-10-14, Michele's talk about the Secret to Service Differentiation at the Legal Management Forum is featured,
@LawAhead Hub at IE university, 2019-10-11, in Madrid Michele presented Legal Upheaval and the New Expectations of Lawyers: What’s Innovation Got to Do With It?
@BGD Abogados, 2019-10-10, Michele's talk at the Legal Management Forum is featured, More than 1,000 professionals come together to reflect on the challenges of the legal profession .
@Legal Management Forum, 2019-10-10, in Madrid Michele presented on why lawyers should practice proactive collaboration towards innovation.
@Answering Legal, 2019-10-08, Michele’s book, Legal Upheaval: A Guide to Creativity, Collaboration, and Innovation in Law was listed as one of the 11 Books Every Lawyer Should Read in 2019.
@Harvard Law School, Book Talk hosted by The HLSA of MA, 2019-09-18 in Cambridge, MA, Upheaval & Innovation in the Legal Marketplace with Michele DeStefano ‘02.
@University of Miami School of Law, 2019-09-11, Michele's new book, New Suits: Appetite for Disruption in the Legal World is featured, "Legal Industry Undergoing Transformation – Professor DeStefano New Book Explores Phenomenon."
@Forbes, 2019-09-03, by Mark Cohen, LawWithoutWalls is named as an example of a program designed to upskill lawyers "Upskilling: Why It Might Be The Most Important Word In The Legal Lexicon."
@PrawfsBlog, 2018-08-05, Michele is featured, "DeStefano on the Adjacent Possible."
@Wealth Strategies Journal, 2019-08-05, by Jessica Zhang, Michele's recent chapter, Innovation: "A New Key Discipline for Lawyers and Legal Education is featured."
@ Foro Jurídico, 2019-08, Michele is interviewed, La innovación implica que el abogado aprenda nuevas habilidades (Spanish) | Innovation Implies That The Lawyer Learn New Skills (English)
@Forbes, 2019-07-09, by Mark Cohen, LawWithoutWalls is named as an example of "market-aligned, client-centric, legal upskilling programs that have successfully bridged the gap between the marketplace and the Academy" in"Law Schools' Lost Opportunity."
@Bloomburg, 2019-07-03, by Roy Strom, Michele is quoted in "California Opens Door to More Legal Tech Non-Lawyer Roles."
@Financial Times, 2019-06-18, Michele led a discussion group as the resident Expert on Millennials: Do They Really Have Different Expectations from their Careers in the Law From Previous Generations and What are the Best Ways to Manage them in the Law at the Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Conference.
@Georgetown Law School, AM Law 100 Managing Partners Conference on Gender Parity,​ hosted by the Bass Institute, 2019-05-21, Michele led 2-hour idea generation and creative problem solving exercise.
@Lawyers Weekly, 2019-05-08, by Jerome Doraisamy, Michele and LawWithoutWalls are featured in "Why law students should partake in legal innovation programs."
@Dentons Future of Law Dinner for General Counsels, in London, 2019-05-09, Michele provided a keynote and moderated a panel of general counsels.
@Dentons Future of Law: Building the Legal Industry of the Future, in Scotland, 2019-05-08, Michele provided a keynote and moderated a panel of general counsels.
@Primerus Conference, 2019-05-03, Michele provided a keynote.
@LMA, 2019-03-28, Michele is featured in Legal Marketing Association podcast with host, Cynthia Voth "Innovate, Collaborate, and Transform Law Firms."
@LAWsome Podcast with host Jake Sanders and Paul Julius, 2019-04, Moving Lawyers Moving Law: What Does it Take to Innovate, Understand, and Upheave the Legal Services Industry
@the Global Independent Law Firms Forum hosted in London by Legal Week and The American Lawyer, 2019-03-27, Michele was a keynote for Why Lawyers Should Hone the Mindset, Skillset, and Behaviors of Innovators.
@Legal Ex, London, 2019-03-28 Michele spoke.
@Law360, 2019-03-08, by Michele Gorman, Michele is quoted in "How Inhouse Counsel Can Avoid Being a Nightmare Client"
@TheTechnolawgist, 2019-03-08, by Isabella Galeano, Michele is featured in "Women Leading the Legal Tech Sector"
From the Journals: Adaptive Innovation. The Law Firm Chief Innovation Officer: Separating Aspiration from Reality in an Emerging Role Harvard Law School: 31 January 2019
@Chambers Diversity Summit 2017 moderated fireside chat with María Elena Lagomasino, Managing Partner & CEO, WE Family Offices (hosted by Greenberg Traurig, Nov 2017 Miami FL USA)
@Future Lawyer 2017 Conference hosted by Shifter: “How to Become an Innovative Lawyer: The Proven 3-4-5 Method of Innovation Designed Specifically for Lawyers” (Nov, 2017 Oslo Norway)
@Harvard Law Today, Collins, Julia. Possible Futures: Thoughts on what awaits HLS and the legal profession (29 November 2017)
@Miami Law, Miami Law Alumni Share Memories and Lessons from their Legal Education (8 November 2017)
@Interlaw conference, Michele lead an interactive innovation workshop (Oct. 2017, New York)
@ Legal IT Leadership Summit hosted by iManage, Miami, FL, Michele gave a keynote: “How Law is Changing + The Importance of Creating a Culture of Creativity, Collaboration, and Innovation” (Oct, 2017, Miami FL)
@Janders Dean Innovation Index Awards Australia, "Innovation in Law" (August 2017 Sydney, Australia)
@Chilli IQ Workshop: Collaborative Problem Solving, Rebooting Adaptive Leadership (August 2017 Sydney, Australia)
@Legal IT, LawWithoutWalls winning team is featured in "Allen & Overy FUSE Incubator Supports Team Ithaca" (August 2017)
@ The Legal Transformation Conference in "Legal Tech & Innovation Developments in the US" (June, 2017 Berlin, Germany).
@ The Costa Rican Bar Association's conference: "Innovation in the Law: Why Women Attorneys Will Lead the Way" (May 2017, Costa Rico).
@ Legal Luminary Podcast: "Innovation in the Law," (March 2017).
@ The Chilli IQs 10th Managing Partner Forum: Being an Agent of Change, in Byron Bay Australia, Michele will presented Innovation in Law, The Value Equation. Managing Partners Forum media release. Click here for a review of the presentation. (Feb. 2017, Australia).
@ The Department of Law of the University of Pavia: Innovating Legal Studies and Practice. (Feb. 6-10 2017) Michele taught the theory, substance and practice of innovation and co-led a Hackathon with Alessandro Philip Maiano for international law students from around the world. (Feb 2017 Milan, Italy)
@ The University of Houston Colloquium organized by Lonny Hoffman, Michele presented a chapter from her upcoming book: Winning the Innovation Tournament: Tactics to Transform How Lawyers Collaborate (Feb. 2017, United States).
@ Harvard Law School, Michele led a two-day Innovation Lab + Hackathon on Legal Education for Professor David Wilkins Problem Solving Workshop (Jan. 2017, United States).
Lawyerist Podcast (Nov 2016) featuring Michele "Learning Creative Problem Solving Skills"
In Inside Counsel (Dec. 1, 2016), “Yes, And” to Pot, Trump and 2017" Mike Evers features Michele's Keynote proposing innovation, “yes, and” thinking, and that General Counsels will be agents of change.
@ ALM's InHouse Innovates Super Conference in Chicago (November 2016), Michele presented "Driving Disruptive Innovation: Redefining How Legal Departments Provide Value."
@ Chambers Diversity Seminar Chile: Challenges and Opportunities for Women in their Legal Career, in association with Carey (October 2016) Michele presented "Skills that Benefit Women in the Current Legal Working Environment: Technology, Team Work, and Creative Problem Solving." (Oct 2016 Chile)
@ Spotify in Fall 2016 Michele presented "The Changing Legal Landscape: How Lawyers Are Meeting (and Exceeding) its Demands" to the Spotify legal department. (Sept 2016 United States)
@ the Harvard Law School's, The Practice, Michele's articles and research in compliance along with the Compliance Elliance Journal (CEJ) (co-founded by Michele and Professor Hendrick Schneider, University of Leipzig) was featured (July 2016, United States).
@ Fordham Law School ILEC 2016 Michele Presented Innovation: How Tomorrow's Lawyers Will Practice. (Summer 2016, United States)
@ the Harvard Law School's, Harvard Association for Law & Business Symposium, Michele moderated a fireside chat with Horacio Gutierrez, GC of Spotify (former GC Microsoft) re: entrepreneurship and corporate governance (April 2016) (Cambridge, United States)
@ the ABA Tech Show in Chicago, March 2016, Michele presented on a panel re: the importance of technology, collaboration, and diversity to solve laws future problems and provide client service. (Chicago, United States)
@ IE Madrid Spain, LawWithoutWalls Kickoff and is featured in the following video (May 2016, Madrid Spain)
@ the International Association of Law Schools annual meeting, Michele was awarded the Faculty Innovative Curriculum Award for LawWithoutWalls and presented on legal education, innovation, and technology.
In The Harvard Law School Bulletin, "The Laws of Adaptation," Michele was featured about her research and experience in innovating legal education and practice and about LawWithoutWalls.
In Financial Times, Millennials Demand Start-up Skills, Michele was quoted and winners from LawWithoutWalls were featured.
@ University of St. Gallen Executive School of Management, Technology, & Law, Michele, as a member of the board of advisers, presented about her latest research on the organizational aspects of the legal and compliance function in the U.S. and about LawWithoutWalls.
@ The Clio Cloud Conference, Michele, presented "Global Law School: Moving Legal Education into the 21st Century.
@ Microsoft (Seattle, WA) Michele gave a keynote talk about innovation in law and transforming the way lawyers and business professionals partner to solve problems.
@ Ethics & Compliance Initiative (Washington, DC) Michele spoke about LWOW X Compliance, our all-virtual initiative focused on solving problems in ethics and compliance.
@ Richard Susskind's 23rd Annual Ross Priory Conference on the Future of Legal Services (Strathclyde University, Loch Lomond, Scotland) Michele gave a keynote talk on Innovation in Legal Services and Legal Education.
In Bloomberg News, Michele was interviewed about her recent article about privilege protections for litigation funders that was cited and quoted in a recent Delaware case Carlyle Investment Management, L.L.C., et al. v. Moonmouth Company S.A., et al.